I had to go through some things before nevertheless took place in my life.

-John P. Kee

Lately I’ve been on a personal discovery, having to work through life roadblocks that get in the way of being creative, as well as making a living off of my creations. Even with that, I’ve had to figure out what that means and what it looks like. In this society, money is the ultimate sign of accomplishment for the majority of us. It’s pumped into our faces everywhere we turn in life. I’m always questioning its true value. I’m very much aware of the things it can acquire. I’m very much aware that everything comes with a price…even if the goal of money for some, allows them to buy comfort (read: security…yet another illusion we've been force fed). I still haven’t figured it out. Until money ceases to be the true currency, we all need it. *It hurts to say the game is the game.

What has provided a creative spark as of recent are as follows: The Holy Mountain (1973), Mount Analogue, tarot, Supreme Lessons of the Gods and the Earths, and meditation. These are my main sources of creative and personal thought embodied in one. The motifs that come forth from me especially in my paintings, come from sitting with these and meditating on them until I’m chosen to express them. But I haven’t been able to tie in what I do with acrylic, with what I do digitally…until now:

Rifling through my journals together with new ideas, I’ve been piecing together what I call ‘AUGOS’…my version of the concepts of logos, ethos, pathos. All of it corresponds with SACREDBRED. I have my own reasons for choosing this name as a brand name but as I spend more time studying myself, bettering myself, picking myself up again…I’m starting to realize how much this name was already ordained before it was an actual thought for me. I was born in the month of August. August comes from the word, augury, which means the practice of auguring—attempting to predict the future based on interpreting omens or in some other mystical way. *Initially The A in LA meant alchemy…alchemy is a synonym of augury. Augury is what I consider my art style or the divine language that is spoken through me. I also call it, ‘coded language or CA (California)/coded arts.

Lately, the incantations have been based on meaningful people in my life. Family. Friends. Time periods passed by. The Present. Remembrance. Lineage. It also reflects embodying who I’ve been called to be and who I’ve always been…and where I’ll go/the future. But also the push-pull that has plagued me for so many years. I’m grateful for those trials and tribulations but man it was so goddamn hard going through (and still is).

I plan to use these to pay homage to my birthplace of Los Angeles as well as Las Vegas where this growth as an artist has taken place. Seeking knowledge in my rebuilding phase, questioning my purpose here, what to do with this life I’ve been birthed into…I started to see the symbolism of my path from birth to where I am now in this ‘now’. The A represents AUGOS, Angeles/Angel (sacred), the pyramid, Sirius, and fire. Mirrored, its the V in Vegas, victorious, vibrations, vision, virtuous.

*Attached are images of the LA/V concept for later on down the road. Second photo is a recent painting based on The Written Woman from The Holy Mountain, which ultimately resembling my mom. I had been meditating on MA’AT and began seeing the correlation between that word and Mother…and also math(ematics).

MUSINGS//12 JULY 2022 by Kerric Thomas


Discovering this book which I bought yesterday, has been the perfect gift! The other night, I watched ‘The Holy Mountain’ by Alejandro Jodorowsky and did a little deep dive. I found out THM was based on the book, ‘Mount Analogue’ by Rene Daumal. The story begins on page 37 (I’m on page 57 currently…I get distracted by thoughts and bursts of creativity or curiosity and stuff I need to text or DM to my friends…or even sharing this blog post). This Daumal dude is fascinating. The kind of depth I hope to reach on the other side of me (or the rest of this side of me). Duality. That voice that keeps telling me to keep digging deep…but to also have movement simultaneously.

Watching The Holy Mountain (on MUBI), took me back to the first time ever seeing it with Ian. Totally blew our minds! Surrealism is a dope genre. I hover in between the schools of (afro)surrealism, expressionism, and absurdism. And I guess if there’s a place to fit spirituality, it’s best expressed and explored in that realm. Spirituality as constantly seeking what all this means.

WHAT YOU THINK, YOU ARE by Kerric Thomas

I saw this video earlier today and there were some comments that said stuff like, “what you hear, is what you believe'“…or something to that effect. But it reminded me of what I’ve been dealing with in myself this past week. “What you think, you are (or will become)”.

I have been dealing with and going through a lot of shit over the past 10+ years. (Family and friends can attest to that). And I’m still going through those things. All the places I’ve gone and lived, trying to find out what I’m supposed to do, how to do it, who to do it with…or not. A long time ago, I probably should’ve been destroyed by these things but for whatever reason, I’m still here. ‘Being here’ is a thing in itself because lately, I’ve begun viewing life, society, existence…as absurd. To me, it truly is. Prior to that, I’ve allowed myself to view myself in a lot of ways as a victim. I’ve not said that out loud or to anyone I know, but at the base level, how I’ve conducted my personal walk has been through the lens of defeat and inferiority. “What you think, you are (or will become).”

Within the absurd mindset…well prior to stumbling upon the philosophy…I kept having recurring thoughts about the whole concept of me (all of us, actually) being created by something way beyond me and this physical location. Yes, I’m here due to the combination of my parents and all that jazz. But that those two people even formed a union to bring me forth, isn’t of their own doing alone. It wasn’t a thing they curated from day one and said, “yo, this (meaning, me) will be the exact image and likeness I will create one day.” So when I think of the society we live in and the rules we follow and adopt and believe in and allow to fester and manifest…I often think, “I didn’t sign up for this.” When I think about what I want for my life experience, none of this bullshit is part of it. These boxes and confines, these games, these rules, these narratives. Who are these people who get to dictate this for me?! And why do I (we) continue to follow this bullshit?! I have a right to exist because I was created not by the permission of man. Mos Def said it best:

“Well, from my understanding people get better

When they start to understand that they are valuable

And they not valuable because they got a whole lot of money

Or 'cause somebody, think they sexy

But they valuable 'cause they been created by God

And God makes you valuable

And whether or not you recognize that value is one thing”

*note: God can be whatever you think God is. Stop letting people dictate what God is to you.

I’m often left meditating on how to detox myself from miseducation. Or how to cleanse myself of the filth of negative programming. I hear a lot of conversation around trauma. And it’s a valid one for a lot of people. And when I think of us all being created by something divine beyond us, I also imagine us as heirs of that divine beyond. We don’t have to subscribe to trauma if we don’t want to. We don’t have to be confined to boxes. We don’t have to feed into inferiority or comparison. What’s valuable to you and whatever you want to pursue (obviously the caveat is to not cause harm to anyone else), GO FUCKING DO IT! At least this is what I’m telling myself. *All this blabbering brought to you by ‘Green Needle vs Brainstorm’. 😭

What do you tell yourself?

THOMAS / TOMATO by Kerric Thomas

THOMAS (The Breakdown)

The name Thomas is derived from the Aramaic personal name תאומא /tɑʔwmɑʔ/, meaning "twin" and "leader." The English spelling "Thomas" is a transliteration of the approximate Greek transliteration, Θωμάς.


NAME: Thomas

The name Thomas has 6 letters - 4 consonants and 2 vowels:


Calculation steps:

T(2)+H(8)+O(6)+M(4)+A(1)+S(1) = 22

The Growth number corresponding to the first name Thomas is 22. It denotes a pattern that assists you in growth and development: visionary, successful, leader, innovative, genius.

TWIN=2; 2/2 or 22= twin numbers.